Thank you for your interest in Erie Preparatory Academy!
Please fill out the form below, and our Admissions Office will contact you shortly to provide additional information regarding your request.
* Indicates a required field.
1. [From video] Share your personal testimony of faith in Jesus Christ in 1-2 paragraphs. If children are in grades 6-12, include their personal testimony as well.
2. [From video] Describe how the beliefs, values, and actions of your family align with the discipleship model of education at Cornerstone, outlined in the video above. (1-2 paragraphs)
3. [From video] Read Cornerstone's faith and belief statement: Do you affirm all of these statements or do you have questions about any specific one(s)?
4. What church does your family regularly attend?
5. On a scale of 1-5, how important to you is discipling your child/ren to be followers of Jesus Christ? (For more on Biblical Discipleship, click to listen to the Cornerstone Prepcast Episode 1.)
(explain question 5 below)
6. On a scale of 1-5, how involved are you with your child's education? (helping with HW, attending school events, volunteering, etc.)
(explain question 6 below)
What school does the student currently attend?
Have there been any challenges in past school/s? (academic, attendance, social, discipline, etc.)
(If yes, explain below.)